

工作量证明 Proof-of-Work(PoW)算法是一种行之有效的措施,可以阻止并最终禁止第三方干扰,包括拒绝服务攻击,其他服务以及网络滥用(如垃圾邮件)。 PoW要求服务请求者提供一些工作量证明,通常是在规定的处理时间内由计算机完成特定处理任务,从而消除错误的系统威胁。 在墨客平台上,母链是处理交易和其他区块链操作、共识和数据访问的公共区块链层。墨客还支持使用子链来实现其他共识算法 。

Besides the POW consensus on transaction and data store set, each POW node is associated with one or more Smart Contract Server(SCS). SCS node could be local to the POW node, or it could be a remote node. The SCS identity is fully verifiable by the corresponding POW node, or Validating Node (VNODE).

Block is mined every 10s, with reward of 2 MOAC coins per block.

The reward schedule halves every 12,500,000 blocks, equivalent to approx. four years.

After block 15,000,000, the reward will be constant of 0.1 MOAC per block. See below.

We define 1 MOAC = 1,000,000 Sand. 1 Sand = 1,000 Xiao.

Block# Reward (1 MOAC = 1,000,000 Sand)
1-12,500,000 2 MOAC
12,500,001 - 25,000,000 1 MOAC
25,000,000 - 37,500,000 0.5 MOAC
37,500,001 - 50,00,000 0.25 MOAC
50,000,001 - 62,500,000 0.125 MOAC
> 62,500,001 0.1 MOAC

Transaction fee is paid in two ways. One is through Transaction. The other is for Smart Contract or sub chain. Smart Contract Call cost is set lower than underlying transaction in purpose, thus encouraging the usage of SCS. This can alleviate the pressure on the underlying layer, and also benefit the SCS providers.



type txdata struct {
  AccountNonce   `json:"nonce"    gencodec:"required"`
  SystemContract `json:"syscnt" gencodec:"required"`
            `json:"gasPrice" gencodec:"required"`
  GasLimit       `json:"gas"      gencodec:"required"`
  Recipient      `json:"to"       rlp:"nil"` // nil means contract creation
  Amount         `json:"value"    gencodec:"required"`
  Payload        `json:"input"    gencodec:"required"`
  ShardingFlag   `json:"shardingFlag" gencodec:"required"`
  Via            `json:"via"       rlp:"nil"`

  // Signature values
  V `json:"v" gencodec:"required"`
  R `json:"r" gencodec:"required"`
  S `json:"s" gencodec:"required"`



VNODE client is used to form the MotherChain network. It used a Proof of Work consensus method similar to Ethereum. VNODE not only handles data storage and compute processing for smart contracts but also pass data for the MicroChain Dapps.